Why aren’t your books available in Kindle Unlimited?

Unfortunately, Amazon won’t allow me to sell my ebooks through any other retailer or offer them to libraries if I have them in KU. I believe it’s important for readers (and authors) to have a variety of options when it comes to ebooks, and I choose to support non-Amazon retailers, library ebook lending programs, and the readers who use them by having my books available in as many places as possible. If a day ever comes when Amazon allows me to have my books in KU under reasonable terms (including non-exclusivity), they’ll be there.

You can currently find all of my books on Kobo (and through the Kobo+ subscription service), Apple Books, Nook, Kindle, and more.

Or you can read my books for $0 out of pocket AND share my books with your community by requesting them through your local library in ebook or paper!

Why are you so slow? MAKE BOOKS FASTER, BOOK MONKEY.

So here’s the thing: I personally cannot do my best work at break-neck speed. I take my time in planning stories, going deep with character development, doing multiple rounds of revisions, getting deep developmental edits, listening to reader feedback before publication, and polishing my books until they’re the best I can make them. I think you deserve that rather than “good enough to push out the door,” which is what you’d get from me if I published every few months. I choose to only publish books I’m proud to have on my shelf, and I hope you’ll find they’re worth the wait.

I didn’t get my newsletter sign-up freebies.

That’s not technically a question, but I’ll answer anyway. When you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll receive an email with a link you need to click to confirm that you did, indeed, mean to sign up and it wasn’t your buddy Chad playing a trick on you (Chad, stop being weird). This keeps me from getting in trouble. Once you do that, you should receive a welcome email in about 24 hours with your links. If you don’t receive either, they probably landed in your spam folder.

Or if you used a link from an older book (or using a link on this very page before I remembered to change it), you may have signed up under a provider I’m no longer using. The current link is here under the “Newsletter” tab.

Why don’t you have more audiobooks available?

Because producing them is really expensive. I’m trying to sell more books so we can prioritize creating audiobooks for those who need or prefer them, but for now every penny I earn is going back into edits and cover art for new books. I am aware that AI narration is a cheaper option that works for many authors, I personally am not comfortable with normalizing the use of AI to replace human authors, artists, and voice actors. It may become a necessity in the future if I want to keep going in this business, but I’m holding out against using AI in my story creation, writing, cover design, and other aspects of production for as long as I can.

Why are you two people?

After I published the Bound Trilogy and Into Elurien, I needed a change. I had an idea for another series, this one set in Newfoundland and featuring the vampires who definitely don’t actually live here. The problem was that Urban Fantasy and High Fantasy, while they have some things in common, have different audiences, and I didn’t want my readers who came to Kate Sparkes for magic and dragons to write me off when they didn’t want vampires and werewolves and gore and a bit o’ smut. It’s a very open secret, but releasing my UF as Tanith Frost allows me to make it clear what kind of book a reader can expect.

When is the next book coming out?

The short answer is “when it’s ready,” but that’s not helpful. If you’re looking for information on release dates and what’s coming next, check the “news” tab here. Or if you’d like more information (including teasers, advance reading copy sign-ups, and behind the scenes information), you can sign up for my newsletter under the “Newsletter” tab.